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2020-2022   M.A Photography & Society, The Royal Academy of Art, The Hague (KABK)
2007-2013   B.Sc Chemistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (GR)

Awards & Residencies
2024 - CBK I&V fond
2023 - Residency "Investigating #5" at Goethe-Instituut Rotterdam
2023 - Residency "Investigating #4" at Goethe-Instituut Rotterdam
2022 - FUTURES Photography Talent Platform
2022 - Residency at HALLE 14, Leipzig - funded by HALLE 14-Center for Contemporary Art x Goethe-Institute Thessaloniki

Selected group exhibitions/public presentations
2023 - Goethe-Insituut Niederlande / Studio Art Night / Rotterdam (NL) - exhibition
2023 - Goethe-Insituut Niederlande / Open Ateliers / Rotterdam (NL) - exhibition, artist talk
2023 - New Toni Project Space / Berlin (DE) - lecture performance
2022 - (Un)documented Migration / Amare, The Hague (NL) - exhibition
2022 - HALLE 14-Center for Contemporary Art, Leipzig (DE) - exhibition
2022 - KABK Graduation Show / The Royal Academy of Arts, The Hague (NL) - exhibition
2021 - "you are almost welcome"/ M.A Photography & Society x Creative Court - online exhibition
2021 - Undisciplining Photography Symposium / KABK x Nederlands Fotomuseum x Research Center for Material Culture - lecture
2021 - PEP "Obsessions" / Photographic Exploration Project / Tête Gallery, Berlin (DE) - exhibition

2023 - present - Royal Academy of Art, The Hague (KABK)

Public events & Workshops
2023 - "Investigating E/Iconomic Sediments" / Goethe-Insituut Rotterdam (NL) - public events, workshops

Selected online feature and publication
FUTURES Phorography, annual printed issue, Amsterdam (NL)
Der Greif, online feature, Munich (DE)
C41 Magazine, online feature, Milan (IT)
Yogurt Magazine, Issue "MOJO Flavour", Rome (IT)

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